Sunday, June 16, 2013

100th Post: Self Flattery

100th Blog Post.

That's like a century -- in blog posts. WHUT?


Since this post shall be "so-called" special, I will be dedicating this "century post" to someone very special.


Who'd you think it'd be huh? My dad? ('cuz it's father's daday today? Nah.)

I'm special, in the eyes of me. I'm, like, a special child. WHUT?

**I feel like I'm on frigging drugs right now. :-|

I am warning you. I wouldn't want your eyes rolling after finishing this post. What you'll experience in the next lines are full of self-flattery and narcissism.
Press that little 'x' in this tab NOW.
Or you can also press CTRL + W.


Shoot. You're still here. Brace yourself. You have been warned.

So, here goes nothing.

I recently changed my profile picture in Facebook. Refer photo below.

No biggie, right? BUT! If you enlarge this particular image and see the first comment, that's where my self flattery begins.

Okay, here's a screen cap so that you wouldn't have to do those few extra clicks.
Hohoho. I read this comment first thing after waking up. And it made my day. Nyahaha.

Actually, to tell you honestly, this is not the first time someone told me I looked like Andi (you guys can search her on Google). I wouldn't want to post her picture here. Self flattery nga ang theme ng post na ito diba? Baka maiba ang attention.

It was way back May 2012 when I first heard of it.

I went to a parlor for hair and make-up because I was going to attend Myla's wedding. I was there minding my own business when the stylist remarked while putting make-up on me:

"Alam mo, kamukha mo si Andi Eigenmann..."
 dot dot dot. Long Pause.
" pinataba."
Wow, thank you. HAHA. Hey, at least I was being compared to someone pretty. I felt complimented, in a way.

Here was how I looked like back then:

Then, again, I just couldn't remember which photo and what instance, basta, I was again, been told that I resemble Andi.

That Facebook photo up there is already the third.

Haha, too bad lang nga kasi laging may " pinataba." comment after

HONESTLY, I really do not see the resemblance between Andi and I. Like, srsly. I have been told that we may both have the similar looking eyes. And I was like, huh? Really?

But for this to occur three times already, there must be really something right? LOL. What do you think? Since you have insisted to read up to this very end, you are obliged to say something.

Good or bad comments are accepted. Nyahaha. I just want to know your honest opinion about the matter.

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