Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Going straight to the point, I kind of miss MY old school blogging.

If you see my current posts, they're more of hobby-based posts like make-up, nail art, and product reviews. Then there's the occasional travel and food posts. And also a bit of web recommendations and fun finds on the web.

To be honest, that's not how I normally blog. To enlighten you, here are a few things.

I blog because:

  1. I'm bitter.
  2. I'm inspired/in love OR in like.
  3. I'm bitter.
  4. I'm mad.
  5. I'm sad.
  6. I'm interested with stuff.
  7. I'd like to share something interesting.
  8. Oh, did I mention "I'm bitter"?

I do believe I am at my writing best when I am undergoing strong emotions. Moreso, I THINK it gets better when those emotions involve the matters of the heart. 

The turmoil of unrequited love. The thrill of a simple hand graze. The euphoria of a particular gaze lock.

Heck, I could even create poems in a whim for those topics.

I just kind of miss those times. It has been a little over six months after my last, err, matters-of-the-heart encounter. Since that time, I have not yet experienced, well, similar situations. Hahaha. I dunno, I'd like to write about something deep, and genuine, you know? I know I can think of other reasons to blog about but, they don't interest me enough to squeeze my creative juices out.

I'm not saying my current posts are just done for the sake of posting. (Please refer to reason #6) It's just that, (gahd, I cant explain it in actual words) I feel like there's a missing "ommmph".

Right now, I'm quite obsessed with beauty products. I'm admittedly a late bloomer to these kinds of things. LOL, i feel like I'm in a late adolescence period (minus the physiological changes). Well, expect more of beauty products, food, travel, etc in my future posts.

And, if i may segue, since we are talking about inspiration, I need inspiration at work. I feel sooooo BORED in the office nowadays. If you notice, I have been posting a lot lately here. Yes, that is the result of boredom in the office. Work's pretty much light right now. In additon to it being light, I am already uninterested with what i'm doing. Maybe that's why I'm resorting to beauty products and watching nail tutorials IN THE OFFICE just to keep me interested. Well, as soon as this project's done... So yeah, that's about it.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate! I used to write everyday when I was in broken-hearted mode. But I think that listening/reading to other people's works can get your creative juices flowing. This may help: Let me know what you think. :)


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