Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nail Art Tutorial: Geometric Nails

Geometric Nails in gray, white and lavender.
A friend suggested I do variations on my nail shots so, here ya go. HAHA.
Sorry, did not notice the bottle cap was dirty. :))
Mark the calendar! This is a first! Haha, I have never done a nail art tutorial before. I just usually paint away and post the end result.

This time, guys, I am sharing a step by step "tutorial" on how to do geometric nails. It's just so simple! :) 

Before anything else, let me just let you all know that before doing this nail art, I already had my nails done earlier at PoshNails. So I already had the gray color as my base coat. See image for reference. Haha.

I was looking back at my old pins in Pinterest when I saw the image below. Decided to do that one to my newly manicured nails.

Credits to whoever owns this photo.

So, let us begin.

What you need:

1. 3 Nail polishes of your desired color + your trusty top coat (as for me, I chose white and lavender plus, of course the gray base coat)

2. You'll also be needing a thinly cut scotch tape to serve as guide and define the borders of each color while you paint them onto your nails. If you don't have it, you can use any kind of tape (but I prefer masking tape) and just cut them into really thin stripes.

Cutex "Pure Cotton" - Php 109.75, Landmark
Orly Clear nail polish - PhP349.75, Landmark
Etude House (lavender nail polish) - PhP130++, Etude House
Thin tape - PhP 50, Divisoria

3. Nail art brushes. I find it easier to control my strokes when doing details on my nails if I use brushes. Although it is not necessary, for me it's kind of helpful.  For this design I used two brushes: the medium flat brush (to fill in the colors on the geometric shapes), and the medium striper brush (for lining the shape borders).

OMG Nail Art Brush, gift from a friend
4. You will also need Black Acrylic Paint. It's okay if you have none, you can just use your black nail polish instead.

Basics Acrylic Colour Set (12 Tubes) - PhP172.50; National Bookstore
It is just a personal preference to use acrylic paint when handling with smaller details in my designs. With acrylic paint, I can take time in painting the details of one design because it dries up less faster than nail polish. Another reason why I like working with acrylic paint is that it is easier to correct mistakes (if there are any). All you need are Q-tips and water.
Alright! Now that you have your materials, then we're ready to go!

What to do:
1. Make sure your nails are clean.
2. Cut the tape into parts and stick them onto your nails in this manner (you can also refer to the image above):

Tape nails accordingly.
Once you are done with the taping, we are now 3. ready to paint one section of the nail with our first color! I chose white.

Paint in white color onto nails
Haha, I wrote down which sections of the nail the color white goes to. From the bottle, dab a little dot of nail polish onto the paper. Now,  4.  carefully paint the white nail polish onto their assigned sections. Make sure that the nail polish does not go out of your tape border. Apply 2 coats.

5. Do the same thing for the lavender nail polish.

Paint in lavender color onto nails.

6. Let the nail polish dry for a bit. After a few minutes, 7. slowly peel off the tape (see image below). You can use your nipper to help you peel.

Peel off tape.

These are how the nails look like after removing the tape.

As you can now see, the lines a more neat and more defined.
Now it's time to 8. paint the borders of each shape. Get your striper brush and your black acrylic paint and just follow the lines left by the peeled off tape.

 Do this repeatedly until you finish painting all of your fingernails. :)

 9. Don't forget to finish off the design with your favorite top coat. (It is best to apply top coat once the design has completely dried to avoid smudging.)

So there you have it folks, your geometric nail art. :)

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