Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Monster's Logo

PRESENTING! My newest creation!

The Kuxiemonster's Official LOGO!

LOL. As If, big deal. Haha.

If y'all noticed, I am already using this logo as my new watermark for my photos. Haha. I think the logo looks okay, though the pig does not resemble a monster pig. But anywhoo. I think the logo suits me. Haha.

JSYK, I did not draw the pig and had it digitally rendered. I suck at drawing. What's amazing about the logo is that they're all FONT STYLES. ;)

Let me dissect it for you:
  • Pig - letter 'p' of the font style Garanimals
  • Kuxie - font style: Gigi
  • Monster - font style: Artistamp Medium
It may sound all too simple but the actual mixing and matching and font selecting took me two hours to do!

I actually did another logo study:

So, the squiggly shape is sort of the monster body and the purple circles should be the monster's eyes. Lol, I just pitched in random shapes here. Looks like a sunny side up gone awry. :))

I couldn't find any significant connection to this logo so I chose the pig instead. :P

What do you think?

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