Thursday, August 22, 2013

K-6TH St.

I find myself treading down this same old road.
This familiar road I have long since avoided.
This road I swore I'd never dare take again.

But then again, out of the blue, I find myself parked at the curb.
Staring. Thinking. Assessing.
"Where is my map?, Where the hell is my fucking map?"

With the map nowhere in sight, I decided.
I have no other choice. Or so I believed.
Slowly, I turn down the corner of the road with my headlights ablaze.

I know where this road leads.
I am all well familiar with it.
I also know where this road ends.

This is the only road that I know.
I'm too scared to take another and get lost.
This time though, I drive with caution.

I know where to turn and I know when to stop.
I know when to honk and I know when to slow down.
Hopefully when the road ends, I'll get by alive and unshaken.


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