Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Humble Beginnings of a Nail Art Addict

You've all been seeing posts about me and the things I do with my nails.

I have spent sooo much time, effort and, well, money, with this addiction.
Being an addict at something always start form something, right? Well, my story goes like this...

I already loved painting my nails. That started when I was in college when nuns vanished (I graduated from a Catholic school) and no one cared about how you color your nails. Back then, my nails were an expression of myself. I felt like my nail color should be in sync with my overall mood.

During my free time, I admired nail art designs on the web. I felt nail art for me was too far reaching. I was a student back then and my allowance couldn't afford the per nail rates of nail art; solid polish colors were my only option.

It wasn't until this boring afternoon in the office that kind of changed my life. I came across this post on In summary, the blogger bought this little how-to book on nail art and did a sample tutorial of one design in the book. I got so... excited(?) about this that I HAD TO go and look for the same book that day. It felt like this sudden urge that if I did not do it then, I'd die? (Haha, exaggeration here, but I do hope you get what I mean). End result? I got the book:

Polished: The Nail Art Book. Bought this at Powerbooks.  PhP195. It comes with four mini size nail polish in hot pink, white, blue, and tangerine.
So from there, the very first nail art design I did out of the designs in the book was this:
Cutesy little baby panda french tips.

Aside from the tutorial in the book, I added some customizations to the design like the green background (as seen on my thumb in the picture). Though it may not look like it, those are supposed to be eucalyptus leaves. HAHA.
So there. From that, the addiction began. I bought myself nail polishes on a weekly basis. For our Monito, Monita (exchanging of gifts during Christmas), I requested that the one who got my name should give me nail art brushes and dotting tools. Still not satisfied, I bought even more nail art brushes. I now have a container full of nail polishes.

And these are just some of its contents. Hoho.

If you check my Instagram account (link over there <<<<), you will be able to see more of the nail art stuff I have bought over time. :P

I shall be transferring my nail art posts from my other blog so stay tuned for more nail art designs.

If you have any requests or suggestions, just comment down there, or send me an e-mail at ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Nail art is one of the excellent ways of body painting .Nowadays women as well as men are interested in this.


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